Saturday 19 May 2012


favorable reception; approval; favor.

Boy, am I glad I started this blog when I did. I sit here writing with a letter of acceptance to Dalhousie University. I am totally blown away that I was offered admission. It's been a long hard road, with many ups and downs, and I cannot believe it has all paid off. 

Picture this: A busy day at work. I have a second to check my phone sitting in the back, to find a BBM from my Dad: "You have a letter from Dal." 

Automatically I could feel my blood pressure rise, my heart beating faster, and my stomach rise to my throat. Today was the day. I called my Mother who promised she would get in her car and drive the letter to me as soon as it arrived in their mailbox. It was only 2:30 at this point, and she was not able to leave work until 4:30, plus the hour drive to Wolfville. Attempting to keep my mind off what was about to happen I tried to go about my day, but I really could not think about anything but the fork in the road that I was facing. 

Finally, after going to town with my good friend Julie to keep my mind from going completely off the rocker, we arrive at my house and wait for my letter's arrival. An hour goes by. Julie, my room mate Jhenna, and her kitty Mango sit with me patiently as I wipe my sweaty palms over and over. Julie looks out the window, "There she is!" she says, and that is when things really kicked in. Thanks autonomic nervous system!

She hands me the letter. There it is, in the top left it reads Dalhousie University, Faculty of Health Professions, School of Health Administration. Here we go. 

Im not sure I can remember joy-crying so hard. I do not remember reading the actual words, just feeling my face bunch up and burst into huge tears. 

"Dear Melissa:

I am pleased to inform you that the Faculty of Graduate Studies has approved our recommendation of your acceptance to the Master of Health Administration (MHA) program as a full time student." 

And that was that. My plan was set. If I ever come back to this to read about this moment again, I hope I remember how lucky I am to be given this opportunity. This was a long shot, but I DID IT.  

Now, to find room mates, a place to live, and learn all about student loans. I'm a Masters Student. 

Being given the chance.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your acceptance!
    I am going to apply to Dalhousie this year to start classes in 2013.
    Have you received any scholarship from them?

    Just a few words about me (I have an empty blog due to lack of time and my laziness...). My name is Anna, I am from Russia, and I want to get a Master's degree in economics in Canada. Dalhousie is my No.1 choice, however I will apply to several schools.
    I will add you if you don't mind:)
